
Welcome to my blog where I share the gems I've learned along the way. Sharing is caring, my friends... and I didn't go through all these struggles for nothin', y'all!  I hope to offer you hope, encouragement, and a laugh or two along the way!

Elderberry/ Ningxia wolfberry SUPER syrup

Elderberry/ Ningxia wolfberry SUPER syrup

By now you’ve heard of the benefits of a little black berry, known as the Elderberry. You can even find bottles of syrup and gummies lining the shelves at the drug store just in time for flu and cold season. But, why?

Flu and cold season typically strike when we spend less time outside in the sun and more time ingesting sugary treats. So, it’s no wonder that a whole food source packed with vitamins C & E, polyphenols, phytonutrients, and dietary fibers would make a difference in preventing and shortening viral illnesses like the flu.

Our family discovered the amazing benefits of another berry when we started taking 2 oz daily of a whole food puree unicorn juice called Ningxia Red. The most powerful ingredient in Ningxia Red is the Ningxia wolfberry. It is an anti-oxidant powerhouse complete with vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as carotenoids, polyphenols, flavonoids, thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin. So, I thought how can I spruce up our Elderberry syrup to be even more potent and effective? Add Ningxia Wolfberries!

For half the price of what you find on the shelf, you can mix up a batch my Elderberry/ Ningxia wolfberry SUPER syrup… and it is all organic, packed with even more potent anti-viral properties, including Young Living Vitality oils. These are the ONLY oils I trust for ingestion with the unmatched Seed to Seal guarantee… you can be assured your oils are never adulterated and always 1st distillation pure, potent, and clean. YL Vitality oils are FDA approved as a dietary supplement, providing targeted support for the body.

Avoiding & Surviving the Flu

Avoiding & Surviving the Flu

Signs of Life

Signs of Life